Thursday, December 3, 2020

After recount, Brea Olinda school board contest ends in tie

A recount in a close race for a Brea Olinda Unified school board seat has ended in a tie, which means it’s now up to the school district to settle who gets the post.

The contest between longtime board member Gail Lyons and first-time candidate Lauren Barnes to represent Trustee Area 5 was tight, and which of them held the lead changed several times as final ballots were counted after the Nov. 3 election. They also spent several days tied.

When the tally ended with Lyons down by one vote, she asked for a recount. Orange County Registrar of Voters Neal Kelley concluded the review of all 3,609 ballots in the race on Thursday, Dec. 3, and found one on which the voter had marked next to Lyons’ name but completely outside the designated box, Kelley said.

“The system worked like it was supposed to. It registered as an undervote,” or as if no candidate had been chosen in that race, Kelley said.

Once the district receives an amended certification of the results, it’s up to the school board to “notify the candidates who received the tie votes of the time and place where lots shall be cast to determine the winner,” according to its bylaws.

Brea Olinda Superintendent Brad Mason could not be reached for comment Thursday afternoon, nor could Lyons or Barnes.

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