Friday, December 4, 2020

Laguna Woods Village resident hopes to inspire with TV show

Despite what seems to be a never-ending coronavirus lockdown, Laguna Woods Village resident Judy Saxon said she’s been busier than ever.

Saxon, a resident since 2001, is the co-host of the “Write Now” show on Village TV Channel 6, along with Charles Redner, also a Village resident.

On the show, Saxon and Redner spotlight both residents and nonresidents. They interview mainly authors, said Saxon, who is an avid reader and a writer herself. But the hosts also branch out to others in the arts.

“I would say we look for people who would be of interest to the audience,” Saxon said. “Perhaps learning more about getting their book published, and/or fascinating life stories or adventures.

“And being an inspiration to those watching.”

Judy Saxon, co-host of the “Write Now” show on Village TV, is an aspiring novelist herself.(Courtesy photo)


Saxon said being locked down certainly has changed how the show operates. At one time, the hosts interviewed people in their homes in the Village, then they switched to filming in the studio of the Video Club.

Now, under the lockdown restrictions, they’ve had to go high-tech.

“I’ve learned the art of Zooming, and it has widened our guest list,” Saxon said. “Change can certainly be enlightening, and I have embraced it.”

Saxon recalled how she became involved in the show.

“I came on board as ‘The Quote Lady’ on what was then called the ‘Write-on Show’ back in 2007,” she said. “I would read what I hoped was a pithy, inspirational quote on each show. A position for a host opened up, and I then moved into that slot.”

Saxon said she has met some incredible people on the “Write Now” show and has learned a lot from each guest.

“So many stories, so many talented people here,” she said. “It’s hard to pick favorites, as it’s so true — everyone has a story.”

Among the many guests who stand out, Saxon said, is a woman, who doesn’t live in the Village, who was involved in a horrific car crash.

The woman, Martha Halda, said she had a near-death experience at the site of the crash before being taken to the hospital. Her injuries were so great that she was told she’d never walk again — yet she ended up walking a marathon in Ireland, Saxon said. Halda went on to write a book about her experience, called “The Fragrance of Angels: An Accident, a Taste of Eternity, and a New Life.”

Saxon and Redner also have interviewed former NFL football player Vince Papale via Zoom from his home in Florida. Papale became the oldest rookie in the history of the league at the age of 30 when he joined the Philadelphia Eagles. He told the story of his life in the book “Invincible,” written with Chad Millman, which was the inspiration behind the 2006 movie of the same name starring Mark Wahlberg.

“What an inspiring story. … A terrific movie and what an honor it was to have him on our show. He is a motivational speaker now, and I can see why,” Saxon said.

Other memorable guests over the years, she said, have included Jamie Ford, at his home in Montana, whose debut novel, “Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet,” spent 130 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list.

A recent guest on the show was character actor Leo Rossi, who was in the 1983 movie “Heart Like a Wheel,” along with 1981’s “Halloween II” and 1999’s “Analyze This,” with Robert De Niro. Rossi also was in several TV shows, including  “Frazier,” “ER,” “Hill Street Blues” and “Murder, She Wrote,” and he’s written several books.

“He’s a talented author, screenwriter and actor who offers entertaining anecdotes,” Saxon said.

Another exciting guest, Saxon said, was poet, novelist and essayist Luis Alberto Urrea, who spoke from his home in Illinois. The bestselling author was a 2005 Pulitzer Prize finalist for nonfiction.

The co-hosts also have interviewed Adeyinka Makinde, a barrister in London who has written several books, including “Jersey Boy: The Life and Mob Slaying of Frankie Depaula.”

Saxon, who is divorced, recently finished the first draft of her own novel.

“It’s about a single woman who moves to a retirement community, and hopefully it’s done with humor,” she said. “I also wrote a nonfiction book about starting over after the loss of a love.”

Saxon has used the lockdown to read current bestsellers, and she enjoys gardening.

Born in Hinsdale, Illinois, Saxon spent most of her growing up years in Shorewood, Wisconsin, a suburb of Milwaukee. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, majoring in social work.

The former resident of Pacific Palisades moved to the Village after renting a condo here part-time in the 1990s.

“I was thinking I would only be here temporarily,” Saxon said. “I would go back and forth. Once here, I was having such a wonderful time and participating in various activities, I sold my home in the Palisades about four years later and purchased a home in Laguna Woods Village.”

Saxon, who resembles a young Doris Day, won’t reveal her age.

“I once heard an author I admire say, ‘A lady never tells her age when asked how old her main character is.’  I think I’ll adopt that philosophy!”

Saxon “is beautiful inside and out with a charming personality,” said co-host Redner.

Saxon gives Redner kudos for giving her those high marks.

“What beautiful words from Charles. I should print them out and paste them to my mirror and read them every morning! He is also a joy to work with.”

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