Friday, July 5, 2024

Monument Sign In Front Of Business In Brea Needs Updating.

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Monument Sign In Front Of Business In Brea Needs Updating. A business owner in Brea has left very little room for interpretation as to what kind of message he wanted to send with his monument sign. His messages have ranged from telling people to stay out, to encouraging people to come together and help each other during this pandemic.

The first one is clearly not helpful at this time, while the second is something we are already doing! So how does it make sense?

Urgent need #1- Help people understand the seriousness of keeping individuals apart outside of normal social activities

Urgent need #2- Increase understanding of why staying home and practicing social distancing is important

Monument signs play an integral part in educating the public about our current state of affairs due to the Covid-19 epidemic. They also let others know who owns the business and/or organization that the individual representing represents.

Businesses that choose not to update their monument signage run the risk of being associated with unserious or even harmful messages. This could hurt their brand image and credibility.

Potential updates


Monument Sign In Front Of Business In Brea Needs Updating. A popular sign in front of a business is something that reads, “Would you like to know who trained our dog?”

The funny thing about this monument-style signs is that they are not actually monuments. They are only very large letters or pictures.

But people have made quite a lot out of these signs near Brea, so they are worth discussing.

Mostly, people take away an inspiration from the message it sends. Some say the picture reminds them to look after your surroundings and keep an eye on things around you, while others say it motivates them to find training for their own dogs.

None of these comments really matter unless you happen to be looking for training tips or if you own a business and want more customers!

So what can we do to update this monument sign to include some additional messages? Here are several ideas.

Add a new motivating statement

A common way to make this type of signage more interesting is by adding a new motivating statement.

For example, instead of asking if someone would like to learn how to train a puppy, ask if anyone has ever wanted to teach themselves how to swim. Or whether there was anything else they wished they had known before trying to learn how to surf.

By changing the question slightly, your audience will give you different information than before. And although this may seem trivial, it does add value for your reader.

Talk to owners

Monument sign in front of business in Brea needs updating.

As mentioned earlier, business signs are an integral part of your marketing strategy and a lot of messages get left out when they begin to fade into obscurity. This is totally unnecessary as most people recognize that you exist now through advertisements or windows or walls or even just your friendly voice!

Businesses come and go for many different reasons, but one of the biggest factors will always be their appearance. They may need up-to-date pictures or information suchashoursandnomorethan12monthsforrenewal. If you’re looking to investin more advertising, start by giving some attention to sign updates.

Take some time this week to look around your area for businesses that could use some help being seen. You might also want to do some research online to see if there are any complaints about them or if others have success with them.

Update equipment

Monument sign in front of business in Brea needs updating.

Recent photos show that you are either selling pizza, hot dogs or hamburgers with a grill built into your sign! This is very concerning because you do not have an adequate source of heat to cook the food properly. You also may need to update your menu due to lack of variety.

Most likely, this happens because the owner does not put enough effort into maintaining their business. They forget to check if the equipment works correctly, they run out of fuel before closing, or they burn through too much money trying different types of grills.

This will negatively affect the quality of the food being served and the reputation of the restaurant. If there is no improvement, people will stop coming back and passing along bad reviews.

Get a new sign

Monument sign in front of business in Brea needs updating.

A few weeks ago, I was driving down La Vereda Avenue in Brea. As I drove past an interesting sight, I noticed there was a business with no monument sign.

I quickly took my cell phone out to take some pictures before moving on. It is important to know who owns the property next to you so that you can make sure nothing bad happens there!

The front entrance to this restaurant has been closed for about a year now, but people are still talking about it online. Many have mentioned how strange it looks and that it makes them feel uncomfortable when walking by.

It is totally understandable if you feel disturbed or even scared after seeing what part of our town looks like. Now, let’s talk about why it is very important to update your own monument sign.

It is your business, your reputation – keep up control!

As seen here, there is already one lot of comments and messages stating how hurt and angry they were at the owner of this business.

People felt unsafe coming into this place because there was no way to tell who owned the business. This creates a negative feeling which will influence other customers.

This could also potentially scare off potential clients as well, making it harder to survive financially.

Appeal to owners

Monument sign in front of business in Brea needs updating.

As an entrepreneur, you will need lots of inspiration and motivation at times. You will also need to appeal to different levels of each owner to keep them working for you.

As seen with this recent business sign, there is very little that inspires and motivates people outside of yourself.

Owner’s of this business likely have friends and family they talk to about their jobs. They may even share tips and tricks with them.

But nothing sparks conversation like “I could never do what you do!” or “That can’t be much fun working here.”

Give them something interesting to chat about by creating an inspiring display or bulletin board. It doesn’t matter if it’s your work space, theirs, or both – find a way to inspire them.

Running out of ideas? Check out our article: 30 Ways To Inspire And Motivate Employees In The Workplace.

Change location

Monument sign in front of business in Brea needs updating.

Located next to the business is an important sign that tells people about your business and what services you offer. This monument sign does not need to stay where it is now, however. It can be replaced with something much more fitting for your business!

The current sign was designed back when this business opened so many years ago. The design makes sense then, but today it is outdated and doesn’t fit the style or atmosphere of the area anymore.

Monument signs are typically placed along highway exits or other major intersections, which means it isn’t needed here anymore. If someone were driving past your business they wouldn’t know who you are unless you changed this important sign.

Surrounding businesses have name badges, use social media, put up big flags, and do direct advertising, all things that your business should be doing already anyway, so these could be alternatives to changing the monument sign.

Appeal to customers

Monument sign in front of business in Brea needs updating.

As seen above, this business has very little appeal outside of being within close proximity to their competitors’ businesses. If you are looking for something more than just a coffee or snack, this is not the place for you.

Monument does not offer any type of drink or food that can be transported away from the location. You will have to either eat what they give you or find another nearby restaurant or shop if you are hungry or want to take your lunch somewhere else.

If this isn’t a big deal to you, then this article won’t matter much- but it should! This business doesn’t make friends easily. They don’t greet people when they come into the area, and they never look like they care even though most people walking by seem to struggle with how hard they appear to try.

This could definitely hurt their business because there is no way to know whether someone would go elsewhere due to poor service here or if they would simply keep going back because nothing significant happened while they were there.

Encourage visitors

Monument sign in front of business in Brea needs updating.

A business with no “Welcome” sign or monuments outside is not wanted inside this area. People walking by will often be drawn into your business, or another like yours close by.

Business owners should make an effort to greet people when they enter their property, and talk about what their business offers. The more interactive you are, the more customers you will get!

Having fun while doing so will also help boost your spirits as well as that of your business.

Interact with locals, say hello, ask how their day is going, etc. Get to know some people who come into your business for services and see if there is anything you can do to help them out with something else.

This could mean giving them a discount on service or product purchases, helping them find something, or just being a friendly face.

The post Monument Sign In Front Of Business In Brea Needs Updating. appeared first on Sign Company Orange County - Anaheim Signs - Contractor 490521.

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